The Max Everest Challenge from Dirk

Dirk Wille, co-founder of Casa Magnolia, will take on an exciting and extreme challenge! He will vertically climb higher than Mount Everest. To reach this goal, he will hike up and down the Smeysberg in Huldenberg 200 times over 3 days and 2 nights, from Friday morning 28th May until Sunday evening 30th May. This is equal to climbing 10,000 metres, walking 240 kilometres! You can sponsor Dirk, or join him on this challenge and walk, run or cycle for a great cause. The goal is to set yourself a challenge based on the height of a famous mountain peak or world monument, and to ask your family, friends or colleagues to sponsor you for every metre you climb to give Casa Magnolia a financial boost. You can participate in your neighbourhood, in Huldenberg via walking and cycling trails we have mapped out, or join Dirk on the Smeysberg. Share your training and experiences on social media with the hashtag #themaxeverestchallenge. Because together we can move mountains!
Visit this challenge10 000 meters of elevation gain in 3 days
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